Kelly Stouffer: UX Design and Research

AMPT Marketing + Design


AMPT Marketing + Design

UX Researcher

April 2021-Current

Tools: Qualitative & Quantitative Methods, User Testing, Data Analysis


The Company

AMPT Marketing + Design is an Austin based digital marketing and design firm that specializes in working with small businesses. AMPT focuses on website creation and redesigns, full marketing/branding package creation and implementation, and digital design.


Joining the AMPT Marketing + Design team as a UX researcher I was given the opportunity to work with several of the firm’s clients. My work helps to define target audience members and their wants/needs, influence design decisions, and help create the framework for successful designs.


My UX Research Process

1. Determine the goals,

2. Explore the questions,

3. Choose the methods,

4. Identify the practical issues,

5. Decide how to deal with ethical issues, and.

6. Evaluate the results.


Presenting Case Studies

1. The product/client

2. The problem/challenges

3. Hypotheses

4. Solutions: Research methods and processes

5. Findings/Results

6. Takeaways


Client: Scissor Sister’s Hair Salon

-Visit the website:

-Open since 2014

-Services Requested: Website redesign, branding, marketing, digital design, and systems



-increase clientele

-redefine company brand and voice

-stand out in a saturated urban market



By honing in on a clear company voice, rebranding Scissor Sisters,

and showcasing how they are different from other salons, clientele will increase and this salon

will become a destination for offbeat individuals looking for unique styles. The salon is currently

targeting upscale clientele for standard services, but by focusing on a middle class clientele looking

for unique services it can significantly increase its bookings.



Define and rebrand this salon

Shift target audience focus

Create stand out marketing materials including website revamp

Research methods:

Quantitative- surveys, five second testing, A/B Testing

Qualitative –user interviews, usability testing


Quantitative Research Methods


Online and paper surveys were used to hone in on the target audience and their


Five Second Testing

Had target audience members analyze both old and new designs for main pages such as

Home and Services to determine design concepts moving forward

A/B Testing

Users were split into 2 groups and presented with varying fonts, button options, and menu

and page layouts


Qualitative Research Methods

User interviews

-current users- in person interviews of current salon patrons focusing on their expectations,

salon loyalty, what they like/dislike about their past experiences

-new target audience users- in person and online interviews of potential target audience

members focusing on their expectations, pros and cons of their salon experiences at other

locations, their needs and wants

Usability Testing

Usability testing was used in all phases of the design and development process with both

current and target audience groups. Testing was done both with paper prototypes and

digital mock ups.


Findings & Results


-online and paper surveys confirmed the target audience demographic as well as their

desire for unique salon services at a midrange price

-Five Second Testing-

-Through this method we determined that users thought the old website design and color

scheme was pointed towards an older, wealthier demographic. Users favored a bolder,

more vibrant color scheme with an easy to navigate website that highlights the unique

services offered on the home page

-A/B Testing-

-This method helped determine the preferred font, button design, menu layouts, and page

layouts to best serve the target audience

-User interviews-

Current users

-age range of 36-50

-held high expectations including on-time appointments, luxury service extras like

scented hot towels, only high quality products used during service, and being pampered

-expected services to be >$300

Target users

-age range 20-35

-held midlevel expectations including on time appointments, no luxury services, unique

and affordable services

-expected services to be <$300


Overall: 63% increase in bookings, 27% sales growth month to month, 48% increase in pre-bookings



- After analyzing the user interviews it was determined that the design needed to

be concentrated on a more unique, younger, middle class clientele.

- Utilizing the qualitative and quantitative data, a new design concept

and marketing plan was devised to better suit the target audience

- By dropping current salon prices and offering a more unique salon

experience the business will generate more revenue and attract new


Client: The Velv Comedy Lounge “Velveeta Room”

-Visit the website:

-Open since 1988

-Services Requested: Website redesign, branding, marketing, and system updates



-Declining online ticket sales

-Lack of repeat business

-Current branding is outdated and confusing to patrons



The current Velvetta Room website has 1 page featuring only an

interactive calendar. By updating the website with a fresh design and changing the ticket buying

system, we can increase sales. To increase return customers, a customer loyalty program and

updated ticketing system should be implemented as well.



Redesign the website

Implement a new ticketing system

Create a customer loyalty program

Research methods

Quantitative- surveys, A/B Testing

Qualitative –tree testing, user interviews, usability testing

Card sorting


Quantitative Research Methods


Online and paper surveys were conducted with current clients and target audience

members to determine wants/needs and current pain points

A/B Testing

Users were split into 2 groups and presented with various design options focusing on the

home page to ensure a user-centric, easy to use design


Qualitative Research Methods

Tree Testing

this method was used to determine the website flow and featured pages as

well as menu design

User interviews

-current users- in person interviews for current comedy club patrons were conducted focusing on

their expectations, what they like/dislike about their past experiences, number of times

visited, and impressions on current website design

-new target audience users- online interviews of potential target audience members

focusing on their expectations, pros and cons of their experiences at other comedy club

locations, their needs and wants

Usability Testing

-Usability testing was used in all phases of the design and development process with both current

and target audience groups. Testing was done both with paper prototypes and digital mock ups.

Card Sorting

-Completed card sorting to help determine menu set up and page content


Findings & Results


-online and paper surveys confirmed the target audience demographic and defined

their desires/needs and website requirements.

-A/B Testing-

-Target audience testing confirmed design aesthetics including color scheme, buttons,

icons, and images

-User interviews-

Current users

-age range of 21-40

-enjoyed the overall experience of attending the club, thought current website was

outdated, clunky, and overall a negative experience

-many users did not come back because they were too frustrated with online sales and the

venue did not accept credit cards

Target users

-age range 21-35

-are looking for a fun, hip comedy club to see local and well known comics

-want a website that is as fun and hip like the club itself with an easy to use ticketing

system and clear content


Overall: 62% increase in SEO traffic, 15,500 website visitors monthly, 31% increase in direct site traffic.



- After analyzing the user interviews and testing it was determined that the

website needed to be redesigned and focused towards a more user-centric experience

- Utilizing the qualitative and quantitative data - the team was able to determine how to

attract new patrons while retaining current patrons

- By creating a customer loyalty program, patrons have more of an incentive to return

to the comedy club with higher frequency

The Tavern Restaurant & Pub

-visit the website:

-Open since 1916

-Services- branding, website redesign, marketing



-compete with oversaturated restaurant market

-increase customer base and ticket totals

-find new ways to increase revenue



By blending a contemporary web and marketing design with its vast

history, The Tavern will become a standout destination. The new menu also affords the

opportunity to raise prices and overall sales. We can also increase sales by designing and selling

new merchandise like T-shirts and hosting live action events diners can participate in.



Coupled with new menu - increase prices

Create a website that is contemporary and honors restaurant history

Launch new merchandise line

Research Methods

Quantitative- surveys, five second testing, A/B Testing

Qualitative –user interviews, usability testing

Card sorting


Quantitative Research Methods


Online surveys were conducted with current clients and target audience members to

determine wants/needs, current pain points, menu impressions, reactions to merchandise

ideas, and willingness to attend live events

Five Second Testing

This method was used to determine what target audience members preferred in terms

of website and merchandise designs including color schemes, fonts, logos, etc.

A/B Testing

Users were split into 2 groups and presented with various design options focusing on the

new web design


Qualitative Research Methods

User interviews

-current users- in person and online interviews for current restaurant patrons were run

focusing on meeting expectations, what they like/dislike about their past dining

experiences, number of times visited, impressions on current website design, new vs. old


-target audience users who have never dined here- phone and online interviews were

conducted focusing on their first impressions of The Tavern, dining and experience

expectations, pros and cons of their experiences at other local pubs, their needs and

wants, opinions on fair pricing

Usability Testing

-Usability testing was used in all phases of the design and development process with both current

and target audience groups. Testing was done with both old and new designs using digital and

paper prototypes.

Card Sorting

-Completed card sorting to help determine required page content, website menus, and web flow


Findings & Results


-online surveys confirmed the target audience wants/needs, expectations, current brand


-Five Second Testing-

This method was used to help determine what from the old web design was working and

not working and addressed new design aesthetics

-A/B Testing-

-Target audience testing confirmed design aesthetics including color scheme, buttons,

icons, and images

-User interviews-

Current users

-age range of 21-40

-enjoyed the overall experience of attending the club, thought current website was

outdated, clunky, and overall a negative experience

-many users did not come back because they were too frustrated with online sales and the

venue did not accept credit cards

Target users

-age range 21-35

-are looking for a fun, hip comedy club to see local and well known comics

-Usability Testing

-Helped identify pain points with old and new web flow, menu set up, etc.


Overall: 69% online discovery rate, 104,000 Google views month to month, 22% increase in sales



-After analyzing competitors in the area and the current web design flaws, a new design was

implemented along with new branding that appealed to a younger clientele while also paying homage to

the history of The Tavern

-By raising menu prices to match the current market and introducing a new merchandise line, The

Tavern’s sales increased consistently